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A comprehensive site outlining the causes, management and solutions to the homeless mentally ill.

Monday, March 31, 2008

A Zero-Sum Game

We are caught in a zero-sum game. Wars get started this way.

To explain: there is a mathematical approach to human relationships. One of theseis the two-person zero-sum game. In this particular game, game there is a loser for every winner and for every winner there is a loser. The Chicago Futures Exchange, which handles most of the world’s economy, is protected by the principles of a zero-sum game. It is the prime example of a zero-sum game. If you investigate these principles, you would find that for every zero-sum game, without exception, there is a trick to winning. If you know the trick, you can win every game. In other words, it’s a crooked crap game.

What’s the only thing you can do when you find yourself in a crooked crap game? – Quit.

The only way to win in a zero-sum game is not to play. Actually, the game is played by trying to get the other side to lose. It’s a losers’ game. No one wins; life is not a zero-sum game. Life is a game of cooperation. We are, in reality, in an arena where if you win, I win; if you lose, I lose. Whether we like it or not, we’re in this together. And yet the world keeps playing a zero-sum game. For the sake of power and wealth, everyone else has to lose so that, by default, those playing the game win.

But everyone thinks they know the trick. Everyone tries to put everyone else into a crooked crap game and thinks they have the dice loaded in their favour. Both sides of the game think they cannot lose. And as a result, we walk onto the field of brinkmanship; hence, the Cuban missile crisis; hence, World War One.

Now, there has to be something to pull us out of this ridiculous game, otherwise we as a species could not have survived for so long. And it is this game that is being played throughout the world, which has placed us in crisis.

This may sound melodramatic or absurd, but the answer is Truth. Beyond the tricks, beyond the façade of falsehood, lies Reality, lies Truth. And the truth is the ultimate trick in this universal zero-sum game. With Truth, you cannot lose; it is the ultimate weapon.

But if you are dedicated to Truth and cannot lose and everyone else is playing this stupid game, then they have to go to the wall. They either back down or go the limit. Each side piles on more and more consequence to get the other side to back down; hence brinkmanship.

We are caught in a zero-sum game and no matter how hard we try, we can’t get out. Believe it or not, this has everything to do with homeless mentally ill people strewn throughout the cities o the west.